
Class attendance is on the home screen that can be viewed weekly


Throughout 2024 / 2025 we will continue work close with families to support working towards our school target of 97%

Well done and thank you to all children, still with 100%
Termly Attendance  

Autumn term 1 - Attendance overall is 93.2% and the class with the highest of 98.2% is Miss Turner's class in Year 2. Well done!

Autumn term 2 - Attendance overall is 93% and the class with the highest of 97.3% is Mrs Wright's class in Year 3. Well done!

 Each child in these classes have earned a Golden Ticket in the Autumn term draw, Good Luck!


The overall attendance for 2023/2024 is 91.52%. 

The class with the highest of 95.6% is Miss Ali's class in Year 4

Autumn term 1 Attendance - 93.2%   /   Autumn term 2 Attendance - 91.6%

Spring term 1 Attendance - 91.1%   /   Spring term 2 Attendance - 89.5%

Summer term 1 Attendance - 90.6%   /   Summer term 3 Attendance - 93%



Daily absences – Please report all absences, planned medical appointments and lateness to the school office by 9.15.a.m. Medical evidence / proof of appointments are required for authorisation of absence. Failing to report an absence reason could result in a home visit from the Safeguarding team.



Lateness - A prompt start to the school day is vital for accurate records of attendance. School opens at 8.40am for all pupils. Gates close 8.55am. If your child arrives after this time, they will enter via the main office and will need to be signed in by a parent / carer, giving their reason of lateness and state their lunch preference. This will then be recorded as a late mark. Persistent lateness is also monitored and, in some cases, warning letters are issued. Miss Withers (EWO) will also conduct a late gate each term where she will speak to parents individually. A whole school punctuality update text will be sent to parent / carers weekly.

Unauthorised absences - In an effort to improve school attendance within Walsall Schools, the Local Authority have advised that Fixed Penalty Notices will now be issued along with a First Warning Letter for any unauthorised absences of 5 days or longer in one period of absence. The First Warning Letter is the start of the process, which our Attendance Officer follows regarding unauthorised absences and could then be followed by a Final Warning Letter, Legal referral intervention and Court.

Term time leave - All requests for leave during term time, will be declined. Should you proceed then your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised. This is in line with our school Attendance Policy, and government guidance. In addition, you will be subject to a penalty notice fine and will be referred to our Education Welfare Officer who, on behalf of Walsall Children’s Services, will issue you the fixed penalty notice under the provision of the sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

Please notify school of any term time leave requests before taking the leave.  As your child attends this school and as part of our responsibility for safeguarding your child, we must be aware of their whereabouts, when they are not in school during term time. A notification of leave form is available from the school office.

Fixed Penalty Notice

From August 2024, the fine for school absences across the country will be £80 if paid within 21 days, or £160 if not paid within 28 days. 

In the case of repeated fines, if a parent/carer receives a second fine for the same child within any three-year period, this will be charged at the higher rate of £160.  Fines per parent will be capped to two fines within any three-year period. Once this limit has been reached, other action like a parenting order or prosecution will be considered. Where a pupil meets the threshold for a penalty notice and they have changed schools (including primary to secondary) the current school must complete an Education Penalty Notice History Check. Legal action under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, which could lead to fines up to £2,500, or even imprisonment. In some cases, action may need to be taken under the Children Act 1989 to protect the welfare and development of a child.




Individual Attendance Awards - Termly

Bronze, Silver, Gold badges will be awarded to pupils throughout the year for excellent attendance. 

In the Autumn term, pupils will receive bronze, Spring term silver and Summer term Gold

(Bronze and Silver can also be earned by pupils with 100% in the Spring and Summer terms)

 (Star badge of above 97% attendance and 100% badge for 100% attendance)

Pupils with attendance above 97% receive 3 golden tickets for the end of term prize draw, thereby increasing their chances of winning.

All pupils with 100% for the school year will be rewarded with an individual prize.


Class Awards - Weekly and each half term

Each week, the class with the highest attendance will receive the attendance certificate to be displayed on their classroom door, hold the school attendance trophy and each pupil will receive a class Dojo. Parents will be informed via the school website on the attendance page. 

Each week class teachers will award a sticker to each pupil that has 100% attendance for that week

The class with the highest attendance each half term will be awarded the class certificate, trophy and one golden ticket each


Class Award - End of year

The class with the highest attendance at the end of the school year will receive a special Headteacher’s reward – after discussion/agreement with the pupils.  

Improving attendance/punctuality

30 day challenge:

If a pupil’s attendance falls below 90% we set a 30 day challenge for them. Parent / carers will receive notification of this to encourage improvement. If when complete, their attendance has improved, they will receive a certificate and a prize.

At the end of the 30 day challenge attendance has improved and is between 90% - 95% they will receive one golden ticket. If attendance has improved and is above 95% they will receive two golden tickets.


Pupils’ names will be placed into a prize draw, at the end of the term, to win one of the following prizes:

 £10 family voucher. £25 family voucher. £50 family voucher